Buzzbrews Kitchen
Enticing Media-Savvy Diners to an Edgy Eatery

When Buzzbrew’s approached us to launch a web campaign, we needed to choose which selling points to stress. Through photography and design, we decided to show that Buzzbrews is more than post-bar food – serious thought and craftsmanship go into every item on the menu.
While Buzzbrews’ artisan quality food remains at the heart of its campaign, the restaurant’s locations, vibe, and late hours make it an ideal draw for a young, eclectic crowd. So we aimed our efforts at bringing a front-of-the-house energy into people’s computer screens. The Buzzbrews site is incredibly successful with very high unique traffic and low bounce rates. With a socially-saturated online interface, the site is now a powerful tool for connecting Buzzbrews with hungry online visitors across Dallas.