If Content is King, He’s A Demanding Ruler
Do you ever look through Facebook or Instagram and think: wow, all these companies use the same strategies and it makes their brand look cheap? You’re not alone. We’ve entered a world of personalization and a requirement to be extremely unique. This isn’t easy, and the numbers show the struggle. Adobe recently released State of Creative and Marketing Collaborations which takes a peek at this serious issue by surveying of more than 1,000 North American marketers, creatives, advertising, etc. According…
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Digital Ad Fraud: Bots Are Stealing Your Budget
A study from The Association of National Advertisers reports that only about 25% of your digital ad spend reaches real people. That means ad fraud by bots costs businesses $7 billion dollars annually. Page Agency is committed to eliminating wasteful digital ad spend. We’ve cut out many sites that were once called popular advertising spots in order to focus on reaching real people, rather than better looking numbers. High numbers have been able to distract businesses and agencies from the…
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Can Brands Maneuver Around Ad Blockers?
Ad blockers. Doesn’t the term just make you want to shudder? Google’s announcement that the Chrome browser will be automatically blocking certain types of ads is tough news for brands and marketers alike. Google has been filtering out ads that don’t meet new criteria set out by the Coalition for Better Ads. Pop-ups, ugly sticky ads or flashing ads. Pretty much things that are extremely unsightly. (This applies to both desktop and android devices.) So this poses problems for companies…
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4 of the Best Digital Marketing Strategies (Ever)
I could have sworn that marketing wasn’t so complicated back in the day. Create a killer commercial. Make a radio ad that gets stuck in people’s heads. Cater to the top magazines when it makes sense. But now we’ve got all these TV channels, billions of web pages and hundreds of thousands of “APPs” along with DMP’s, API’s and SDK’s. Did I lose you? Technology has definitely made marketing that much more difficult to understand. What could once…
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6 reasons your social media ads suck
Social media advertising is a fast paced game. The rules are always changing and if you don’t keep up, you end up looking foolish for everyone to see. Not to worry, however, because we’ve gathered the six most common reason why social media ads suck and what to do about it. You’re not posting enough There’s no setting and forgetting in social media. Content keeps on moving, and your post from last week is already lost in the depths of…
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Snapchat: The Inspiration for Expiration
Like it or not, everything we do online leaves muddy footprints for the world to see – and they’re pretty tough to clean up. Whether that’s “likes” on Instagram, accidental drunk selfies floating around on Facebook, or that idiotic video you uploaded in college, if you’ve ever Googled yourself, you know what I’m talking about. We love sharing the great moments in our life – a blossoming, new relationship, a big promotion or even just the Instagram-worthy gourmet cheeseburger…
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