If Content is King, He’s A Demanding Ruler
Do you ever look through Facebook or Instagram and think: wow, all these companies use the same strategies and it makes their brand look cheap? You’re not alone. We’ve entered a world of personalization and a requirement to be extremely unique. This isn’t easy, and the numbers show the struggle. Adobe recently released State of Creative and Marketing Collaborations which takes a peek at this serious issue by surveying of more than 1,000 North American marketers, creatives, advertising, etc. According…
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6 reasons your social media ads suck
Social media advertising is a fast paced game. The rules are always changing and if you don’t keep up, you end up looking foolish for everyone to see. Not to worry, however, because we’ve gathered the six most common reason why social media ads suck and what to do about it. You’re not posting enough There’s no setting and forgetting in social media. Content keeps on moving, and your post from last week is already lost in the depths of…
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We’ll be right back after this commercial break
With the launch of mid-roll ads, Facebook looks a lot more like a futuristic TV channel than a social media platform. There’s less sharing how you feel and more paid content. Remember when your timeline was packed full of your friends’ status updates and the odd, blurry picture taken on someone’s flip phone? Yeah, me neither. Times sure have changed. Nowadays, we’re lucky if we catch anything original amidst a slew of sponsored content and branded videos. However, change…
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Should I Invest in Facebook Marketing? The Pros and Cons
“Is Facebook dead?” This is a question I get asked all the time. The easy answer is “no way. A site isn’t dead if it has 1.3 billion active users.” But, of course, there’s more to the answer than that. I have personally felt a lot of disappointment with Facebook over the past year. It seems like the people in my Facebook network post fewer personal updates and more click bait than ever before. But when marketers talk about…
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