Insights Archives: content

Mid roll ads

We’ll be right back after this commercial break

With the launch of mid-roll ads, Facebook looks a lot more like a futuristic TV channel than a social media platform. There’s less sharing how you feel and more paid content. Remember when your timeline was packed full of your friends’ status updates and the odd, blurry picture taken on someone’s flip phone? Yeah, me neither. Times sure have changed. Nowadays, we’re lucky if we catch anything original amidst a slew of sponsored content and branded videos.   However, change…

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Marketing to Gen Z

Content for Goldfish: 4 Inroads to Gen Z

Millennials get most of  the attention, not Gen Z. They have for a while now, and that isn’t going away—but shouldn’t we focus more on the generation that will account for 40% of consumers by 2020?   Even at a relatively young age (members of Gen Z are born post-1995), “Gen Z” contributes $44 billion to the economy. We market things to make money, so it would stand to reason that we should cater our content to where the money…

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